The podcast ran for 3 hours and I didn’t have time to watch it so I got AI to summarise it for me. The Joe Rogan episode #2152 podcast with Terrence Howard is summarised below by AI in two stages: final summary, chunked-summaries.

If you listened to the entire 3 hour podcast, let me know in the comments how well this AI tool did summarising it.

The original podcast is here

I am not sure I find Terrence Howard believable but I like the subject, and this was an interesting project to test my AI skills on.


This was summarised using #LLM “mistral” running on #Ollama locally on Windows 10 x64 PC with GPU. No #ChatGPT model or online service was used in this process. The podcast was ripped using #yt-dlp, the audio to text ripped from that using #faster-whisper-xxl and the rest was done with python code using KMean clustering to summarise the content and call the LLM model and prompt it.


In this captivating narrative, the speaker recounts a childhood dream that left an indelible mark on their intellectual journey. In the dream, their father asked them what they desired most in life, to which they responded with a yearning to comprehend the intricacies of the universe. The dream continued with the revelation of a mansion filled with crystalline flowers and the presentation of unusual shapes that didn’t conform to Platonic solids. Upon waking, the speaker was left with a profound sense of innovation and a belief that their insights were not learned but rather innate.

The speaker then delves into their understanding of the interconnectedness of various elements, from hydrogen through cobalt. They argue that these elements are not discrete entities but rather part of an expansive web of relationships. The speaker also shares their theories on the concept of zero and its role in mathematics, physics, and the universe at large.

Furthermore, they challenge current mathematical models, particularly those based on Cartesian and Euclidean geometry, arguing that everything in the universe expands volumetrically rather than linearly or in two dimensions. The speaker also discusses their inventions, such as a new form of propulsion using hydrogen fuel cells or lithium batteries, and invites scientists to examine their patterns and discoveries.

Throughout this enlightening discourse, the speaker references the work of Walter Russell and his belief in a four-dimensional universe, suggesting that our sensory perception is limited and that we are being fooled by our senses. They also share personal stories of facing skepticism and challenges from the scientific community due to their unconventional ideas and backgrounds.

The speaker’s theories range from speculation on the origins of human civilization to the potential existence of advanced beings manipulating human evolution for their own purposes. They propose that these beings might be interested in experimenting with or even accelerating human advancement if they encountered us on other planets. The speaker also discusses their invention, “the linchpin,” designed to locate and retrieve gold underwater without government involvement. Throughout this captivating monologue, the speaker’s passion for unraveling the mysteries of the universe shines through, leaving the listener with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Their ideas, though not scientifically proven, challenge current understanding and require further investigation.


Summary 1:

The speaker recounts a dream they had as a child where their father asked them what they would want most in the world. In response, the speaker expressed a desire to understand how everything works. In the dream, their father then revealed a mansion filled with crystalline flowers and gave the speaker various shapes that didn’t resemble the Platonic solids. The speaker woke up but continued to have dreams of this mansion and gained access to knowledge that allowed them to innovate and patent various industries. They believe these thoughts were not learned but rather innate, as they remembered having this knowledge from before they were born. The voice in the dream was later revealed to be their own. The speaker’s intention was to rebuild the periodic table based on the natural curvature of elements and their relationship through tone or frequency. They had discovered this concept in their dreams and compared it to Mendeleev’s periodic table, noting a significant difference.

Summary 2:

The speaker is discussing their understanding of the relationships between various elements, specifically hydrogen through cobalt. They argue that these elements are not separate substances but rather different states of one substance. Hydrogen is the first perceivable element due to its low density, while carbon has a “double tone” and a balance of positive and negative charges. The speaker also discusses the concept of equal and opposite mates for certain elements and how they naturally bond or neutralize each other. They mention specific examples like lithium and fluorine, sodium and chlorine, and nitrogen becoming phosphorus. The speaker also touches on the idea that some elements, such as titanium, vanadium, chromium, magnesium, and iron, exist between others but cannot be accessed naturally. They suggest that recent advancements in wave conjugations allow for access to these previously unreachable elements. The speaker also discusses their theories on gravity and electromagnetism.

Summary 3:

The speaker is expressing their belief that modern physics, specifically the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, are incomplete because they do not account for the electromagnetic wave as having a medium or cause. They also criticize prominent scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson for dismissing alternative theories without considering them fully. The speaker claims to have discovered a grand unified field equation but has faced resistance from the scientific community. They also touch on historical figures like Tesla, Walter Russell, and John Keely, and express frustration with the dominance of Platonic solids in education and the control of technology by authorities. The speaker’s phone keeps cutting off during the recording.

Summary 4:

The speaker is discussing their belief that the Earth and other planets move through the solar system in a predictable pattern based on pressure and motion conditions. They calculate the number of years it would take for the Earth and Mars to reach their current positions from the sun. They also suggest that Venus will eventually inherit the “Goldilocks zone” and that there may have been humanoids on an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter that evolved into different elements under different pressure conditions. The speaker mentions Walter Russell and Neil deGrasse Tyson’s differing views on planetary formation and the importance of understanding dark matter and energy in the universe. They also describe using a simulator to build Saturn without gravity or dark matter, suggesting that outward and inward forces create the planet.

Summary 5:

The speaker is expressing their confusion and frustration over a situation in Oklahoma where people were dressed in winter coats during the summer and silencing professors who spoke out against it. They bring up historical examples of deception and manipulation by authorities, specifically the Tuskegee experiment, and question how people could trust or go along with such actions. The speaker then discusses their own theory about the nature of the universe and the importance of understanding the electric and magnetic fields. They introduce a model of Saturn that uses vortexes and magnetic fields instead of gravity to create its shape.

Summary 6:

The speaker is discussing a theoretical model for creating planets using particle simulations and manipulating external pressures instead of internal reactions. They claim that this approach provides evidence that the universe is finite and not infinite as previously believed, as well as the ability to control planetary atmospheres. They mention a hexagon on Saturn’s top and provide details about how it was created in their model. The speaker also mentions having a patent for a new system of hydrogen and plans to introduce more supersymmetrical systems later. They experienced technical difficulties during the recording, but finished the video by summarizing their main points. The speaker’s claims are not scientifically proven and require further investigation.

Summary 7:

The speaker is discussing various scientific concepts, including radiative fields, electric potential, density, waves, and magnetic fields. They also mention their invention of tangential flight, which allows for spinning around one’s center of mass, and the development of a new form of propulsion using hydrogen fuel cells or lithium batteries. The speaker invites scientists to examine their patterns and inventions, including a new form of flight and a periodic table based on the geometry of hydrogen bonds. They also mention their invention of a new propulsion system using water and a small chamber based on wave conjugations. The speaker expresses a desire to use these inventions for cleaning up space debris and mining asteroids. They also discuss the challenges of traveling to other planets due to pressure conditions and the expansion of gases.

Summary 8:

The speaker is discussing their perspective on the concept of zero in mathematics and its relationship to physics and the universe. They argue that zero is not a unique concept related to currency, but rather a natural phenomenon observed in various physical systems where there is a balance or equilibrium. They use examples from electricity, magnetism, and the behavior of gases to illustrate this idea. The speaker also touches upon their own discoveries and inventions, which they claim challenge current scientific understanding and require new axioms and postulates. They express frustration with being unable to present their ideas at institutions like Oxford due to resistance from the academic community.

Summary 9:

The speaker is expressing their belief that current mathematical models, particularly those based on Cartesian and Euclidean geometry, are limiting our understanding of the universe and preventing us from harnessing its full potential. They argue that everything in the universe expands volumetrically rather than linearly or in two dimensions as assumed in traditional mathematics.

To illustrate their point, they use the example of a computer chip, suggesting that allowing for spherical motion instead of linear movement could reduce heat build-up and eliminate the need for cooling systems. They also criticize reductionist approaches to science and mathematics, which break things down into simple components, arguing that this approach fails to account for the expansion and growth inherent in the universe.

The speaker references the work of Walter Russell and his belief in a four-dimensional universe, suggesting that our sensory perception is limited and that we are being fooled by our senses. They argue that everything in the universe is curved or spherical rather than straight, and that we should design buildings and technology accordingly to harness the full potential of these natural shapes.

The speaker also mentions their intention to show a video demonstrating magnetic fields, but they pause the conversation to take a break.

Summary 10:

The speaker describes his invention of a device that visualizes the interaction between electric and magnetic fields using handmade models. He believes this discovery could revolutionize the lighting industry and change people’s perception of reality. However, he has faced skepticism from the scientific community due to his background as an actor and past controversies. The speaker also shares a personal story about his ex-girlfriend blackmailing him with recorded conversations and damaging his reputation. Despite these challenges, the speaker remains committed to sharing his discovery and believes it will eventually be recognized for its significance.

Summary 11: The speaker is discussing various theories regarding the origins of human civilization and the limited scope of measurement systems given to humans. They suggest that advanced beings from other planets may have manipulated human evolution for their own purposes, using gold as a means to do so. The speaker also mentions the destruction of ancient knowledge by religious institutions and governments as part of a larger effort to control and limit human understanding. They propose that advanced beings might be interested in experimenting with or even accelerating human advancement if they encountered us on other planets. The speaker also discusses their own invention, called “the linchpin,” which is a submersible device designed to locate and retrieve gold underwater without the need for government involvement.